Diet Experiment: Somi Diet (Banana and Water) for 2 Days


We're up for another extreme diet experiment.

I actually started with a 7-day Korean diet but failed because of too many reasons...FOOOOOOD! Lol.

                        KPOP IDOL JEON SOMI BANANA DIET *LOST 8 POUNDS IN 3 DAYS - YouTube

Anyway, so I decided to go on detox over the weekend and tried this water and banana diet of Somi. So what does this diet have? Well, basically it's just banana and water for the whole day! 

Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner: 1 Banana and a glass of water

and then just have water and more water during the period that you will not eat.

I bought a new digital weighing scale perfect timing to try and test it :) 

My starting weight is 50.8kg or 112lbs. Quite surprising because I did gained a little weight over the past week and I had too much cheats on the last couple of days but I lost weight. goal is to loose atleast .5kg or or 1-2lbs during this diet. Hopefully it works.

On the first day, I have combined my breakfast and lunch since I just went home to my parents and arrived a little late..


So for lunch I had 2 bananas and for dinner I had 1 banana. Since my mom wasn't able to get a Lakatan she bought Latundan instead.

I got to survive the first day without any trouble. 
I was also doing this 5-minutes Lower Abs workout of April Han for 14 days. It was supposed to be my 11th day but I had a few days skipped so before bed time I doubled the work out to make up for my 9th and 10th day. I'm still fine :)

The next day, I woke up a late, like around 10 am and that's the only time I had my breakfast. 

I had 1 banana for breakfast and a bottle of water. 

Breakfast is still tolerable, I was full though. I rest for a bit and did 1 set of April Han's workout to make up for my 11th day. After the workout, that's the time I felt the diet so boring. I'm looking for something to eat but told myself not to get tempted. Lol.

My mom boiled some Saba for lunch, we ate separately because I had my lunch a little late. 

Just to not get bored, instead of having a regular ripe banana, I had the boiled Saba instead and I had two of them because they are too small and I don't think 1pc will be enough to sustain my energy until dinner.

I loosing my mind after lunch, it was actually doable but my goodness the meal is really boring. I don't know how Somi was able to get through this and knowing that she has a very productive and busy schedules.

At dinner, I had it before 6pm, since I read online that bananas should not be consumed for dinner since it is hard digest I made sure to leave enough time before bed time.

Just to get myself entertained, I combined the boiled saba and latundan for dinner. The feelings are still the same Lol. I didn't actually get full, I don't know maybe because I kept thinking it was boring.

Around 7pm, I did another set of April Han's workout to complete the lapses.

I have a work the next day so I went to bed early however around 9pm my stomach started aching and I  felt like vomiting but since I didn't ate much food the whole day I there's nothing to come out. It was so painful that even drinking a lot of water just adds to the pain. I thought that the pain was out of hunger so I grab 1 slice of sky flakes cracker thinking it might help eased the pain. I was so afraid it might affect the result but does not matter anymore because if I ignore it I might end up staying awake the whole night from pain. Gladly pain didn't went off but I fell asleep.

Monday comes...and it's weighing time!! Since I woke up really early I did my measurement in our office clinic so that I'll have the same time as first day.

And the current weight is 50.2kg/110.7lbs.
I lost 0.6kg/1.3lbs :) Target weight achieved!!

Out of all the diets I've tried so far, I'm definitely not gonna try this one again. 
Unless I'm really on a desperate mode? But I don't think it's a good idea because it will only make you want to eat other foods because it doesn't really make you feel full and it only lasts for like a few hours and you'll feel hungry again. Good job self for deciding to do this for just 2 days haha.

Not recommended. If you want to try this, better seek for a professional guide.

We're ending it here. Til our next experiment! :)
