Diet Experiment: Military Diet for 3-days

Hello everyone!

Sharing a new diet I tried this past 3 days. I saw this Military Diet while searching for more kpop idol diets to try on Pinterest. Here's the diet plan:

It is basically plotted to be done for 3 days only and guaranteed you'll loose 10lbs. It's tempting isn't it? Especially if you're really desperate to loose weight. All the food items are not that hard to prepare so it's easy to do especially for busy people.

I decided to go on for another diet experiment as I gained a little over the past week and wanted to go back to my maintaining weight. Since the diet is for 3-days only I decided to do it so I can loose before the weekend as I will be going home to my parents and we all know that diets are prohibited or should we say quite impossible if we are at our parents home. Mom will always prepare your favorite food and of course it is always better when mom cooks the dishes. 

Gladly most of the food are available at my place I did not do groceries for this diet anymore. I did a little adjust like there are some food I did not included since I cannot buy portions in the market I think it would be a waste of money and food to buy a whole and get rotten. So basically those that are only consumed once I removed them from the meal menu.

I weighed myself and I was 51.5kg when I started the diet that's around 113 lbs. 

Day 1:

I normally don't eat breakfast since I'm also doing fasting all through out my diet but since the menu per meal is quite heavy I decided to have the breakfast and adjust my meal time. I wake up earlier than usual to have my breakfast with enough burning time before lunch. I always try to have at least 4 hours of gap between my meals. 

On my first day for breakfast instead of grapefruit I had orange instead, a slice of almond bread and peanut butter. For lunch it's the same as the menu and for dinner I skipped the meat and beans and just had half a slice of apple, grapes instead of banana and greek yogurt instead of vanilla ice cream.

I still try to maintain my macros for low carb while doing this diet so I've been adjusting the portions in each meal to match my macros.

Day 2

I have no work on my second day so I woke up late. For breakfast just follow what's in the menu but instead of banana, I had grapes, 10pcs of seedless grapes to be exact. Since I ate my breakfast late and it was quite filling I felt hungry late in the afternoon so I decided to combine my lunch and dinner. In the lunch menu I skipped the cottage cheese and instead of saltine crackers I had toast and for dinner menu I had 1 hotdog instead of 2, then I skipped the carrots and broccoli, as usual instead of banana I had grapes and for vanilla ice cream I had greek yogurt.

I find this diet fun actually it wasn't hard to adjust at all because this has been my usual meal haha.

Day 3

It's the last day and it's Friday so I'll be going home to parents after work so I decided to have my exercise in the morning. I'm glad I can still workout because compare to other diet experiments I tried, my body feels numb thus I was not able to workout during the days I do my diet.

For breakfast I had what's in the menu except that since I have no cheddar cheese available I had an egg instead. For lunch it was supposedly boiled egg and toast only but I decided to had the tuna for lunch instead of having it on diner. Then for dinner I still replaced the banana with grapes and ice cream with greek yogurt,

I normally feel hungry whenever I get home to my parents due to long travel but this time I was really full the whole night. It feels heavy in my stomach.  I kept looking in the mirror to see if there has been improvement but of course it will not show in just 3 days.

I weighed myself morning of Saturday in an empty stomach just how I usually weighed myself. They said it's always better to have your weight check in the morning before having any meal.

Are we ready for my final weight?
And the result is....50.2kg!
Yes! Exactly my previous weight before gaining that 1kg. So basically I lost a kilo that's like loosing 3lbs in 3 days. Not bad! Imagine loosing a pound each day? It was quite a lot already.

I guess their claim of loosing 10lbs with this diet in just 3-days is because they're also doing extreme workouts at the same time. With the food components per meal it was really enough to give you energy and strength to do rough exercises. Maybe if you do this diet and do an extreme exercise routines you will be able to loose that 10lbs.

I may only loose 3/10lbs but I was happy because I was able to get back to my previous weight.

I'm still planning to do more diet experiment, though I'm already on my maintaining weight but this still isn't my goal weight. I still have few more to burn but I'm no longer in a hurry to get that. 

Let's take things slowly this time until we reach the goal. 
